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Embracing JavaScript: Series initiation post

Sep 12, 2021


2 min read

last updated: Sep 18, 2021

So I fell off the consistent blogging wagon. 👏

Only if you consider 3 posts as consistency 😂. But hey, I was trying nonetheless 🤔.

But this time, thankfully the reason was not me being lazy, rather bridging the missing links.

JavaScript is a programming language. (Mic Drop 🎤😎⚡, what a revelation !!!)

And that means, way too many moving parts to take a hold of and as a self-taught, self-paced beginner the task feels even more gigantic.

Being "self-taught" in itself is a huge undertaking, plus being "self-paced" could make things even trickier, without proper planning it could easily rob you off the expected progress. And that is where it went sideways for me.

I've stalled, a little too long, getting into the weeds of the JavaScript engine mechanics. I've had a surface level understanding of concepts like Execution Context, Scope, Hoisting, Closures etc.

Swam across the shallows, but never the depth of it all.

So this past week, I've been dismantling the JavaScript machinery into those very pieces, reading, researching and soaking in the logic behind its quirks and fortes.

What comes next?

I've decided to document the whole journey, the process, the learning, document it all as a series, building it up one step at a time. Projecting the thought process, and conceptual understanding from a beginner's perspective.

Over the past week, in my quest for that wholesome understanding of the language, I came across several blogs and video walkthroughs that collectively gave me that "Aha moment". And I'll be doing my bit to share those resources and my takeaways, with the community out there. Hopefully helping beginners like me steer their journey a bit better.

Plus, it will be a token of thanks to those wonderful developers-teachers who have put so much effort into making us fall in love with this amazing language.

This is the series initiation post. Starting tomorrow I'll be posting those blog pieces. So let's explore the behind the scenes, those beautiful concepts that JavaScript keeps abstracted from us.

This is me sharing my journey of truly embracing JavaScript.

Have a good one. Take care. Bye.

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