Aug 26, 2021
3 min read
last updated: Sep 15, 2021
Anyone who has ever stepped foot (pun intended) in the gym, knows first-hand the dread that follows when it's leg day.
Despite being well aware how important it is to train the roots, take it from the ground up for a well developed physique and strength, the lethargy is real.
Is this a technical blog brother ? It's off-tech, but underlying lesson is from a human behind the developer window.
One look at the Github repo for this blog and you'll understand how much I've stalled writing actual posts here. Up until now it was filled with dummy content from Dan Abramov's Blog and Anthony Fu's Blog...quite some placeholder content 😅.
I started this blog with the intention of having a platform to document my journey and maybe even help others on the way.
The process of writing a blog also serves as a revision strategy to help strengthen and retain your learnings, plus discover many unknown depths.
As an added bonus, it's a good enough project (more on the technical aspects in later posts 😉).
Yes, I've been working on other projects as well, but that is no excuse for my visible lack of intent to get out of the comfort zone and put pen on paper (more like tapping keys on keyboard 🤔).
Working the upper body, crunching out those push-ups, pull-ups, feeling the pump, feels rewarding, gives an impression that we've actually worked out. Little do we bother training the lower body with the same intensity or any intensity per say. The leg day instances in our workout event loop is really messed up 😵.
On a similar note, I did plan (ahem, ahem on the efficiency😶), design and was developing this blog. I was working on the feel good, the upper shell of the platform, the instant gratification of implementing the design and data fetching logic. All the while, cutting corners on doing the research for that lower shell, on those piling up blog ideas, on actually drafting and publishing them.
And there it is, the archenemy, the nemesis, the "Leg Day" of my developer life.
Shoutout to this blog by flavio, for reflecting on the how's and why's of dev blogging. He's a man of focus, commitment and sheer will when it comes to blogging. 😎
So here I am, this post is me holding myself accountable, breaking the ice and doing the legwork (admit it, I'm good at puns 🥇). By the way, I did train legs yesterday, after 3 months. Felt great 😌.
Enough words. I'm targeting 2-3 blogs per week. ~~Let's squat~~. Ahh, I mean let's start.
Ok, have a nice one. Bye.